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Rated 4.4 out of 5 stars
13 Reviews



Esta mezcla orgánica todo en uno está diseñada para ayudar a la desintoxicación natural del cuerpo, aumentar los niveles de energía, mejorar la digestión, mejorar la inmunidad y promover el bienestar general. Simplemente mezcle una cucharada en su batido, jugo o agua para obtener un delicioso y nutritivo impulso. Perfecto para quienes buscan nutrir su cuerpo con los ingredientes más puros y ricos en nutrientes disponibles.

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Lleno de nutrientes

Rico en vitaminas y minerales esenciales, como las vitaminas A, C, E, K, ácido fólico, hierro, calcio y magnesio, todos los cuales favorecen la salud y el bienestar general.

Aumenta los niveles de energía

La alta concentración de clorofila y otros nutrientes puede ayudar a mejorar los niveles de energía al apoyar los procesos naturales de desintoxicación del cuerpo y reducir la fatiga.

Desintoxica el cuerpo

Ayuda a eliminar toxinas del cuerpo debido a su alto contenido de antioxidantes, ayudando a apoyar la función del hígado y los riñones.

Apoya la digestión

Los vegetales verdes como la espirulina y la clorella son ricos en fibra, lo que puede promover una digestión saludable, reducir la hinchazón y favorecer un microbioma intestinal equilibrado.

Mejora la función inmunológica

La combinación de vitaminas, antioxidantes y compuestos vegetales puede ayudar a fortalecer el sistema inmunológico, manteniéndote mejor protegido contra las enfermedades.

Promueve la salud de la piel

Los antioxidantes y las propiedades antiinflamatorias de los superalimentos verdes pueden ayudar a reducir la inflamación de la piel, promover un brillo saludable y posiblemente reducir el acné o los signos del envejecimiento.

Mejora la claridad mental y la concentración.

Los nutrientes como los omega 3, las vitaminas B y los antioxidantes que se encuentran en los vegetales verdes pueden favorecer la salud del cerebro y mejorar la función cognitiva, la claridad mental y la concentración.

Apoya el control del peso

Puede ayudar a controlar el peso al proporcionar una alternativa rica en nutrientes que lo mantiene lleno por más tiempo y reduce los antojos de alimentos poco saludables.

Alcaliniza el cuerpo

Los superalimentos verdes ayudan a equilibrar el pH del cuerpo al neutralizar la acidez, lo que puede promover una mejor salud general y reducir la inflamación.

Cómodo y ahorra tiempo

Tomar Super Greens es una forma sencilla de aumentar tu consumo diario de verduras, especialmente si te resulta difícil consumir suficientes verduras.

Mezcla patentada

Polvo de pasto de trigo orgánico entero (Triticum aestivum) (hoja), polvo de hoja de moringa orgánica (Moringa olifera), inulina orgánica (Agave tequilana), polvo de raíz de remolacha roja orgánica (Beta vulgaris), polvo de espinaca orgánica (Spinaciaoleracea) (aérea), polvo de brócoli orgánico (Brassicaoleracea) (corona), polvo de jugo de pasto de cebada orgánico (Hordeum vulgare) (hierba entera), polvo de espirulina orgánica (Arthrospira platensis) (planta entera), polvo de col rizada orgánica (Brassica oleracea) (hoja), polvo de agua de coco orgánico (Cocos nucifera), polvo de té matcha orgánico (Camelliasinensis) (hoja), polvo de clorella orgánica (Chlorella vulgaris), polvo de cúrcuma orgánica (Curcuma longa) (raíz), polvo de jugo de limón orgánico (Citrus limon) (fruta), polvo de ashwagandha orgánica (Withania somnifera) (raíz), polvo de semilla de lino orgánica (Linum usitatissimum), Bacillus Coagulan

¡Tome una cucharada (5,4 g) (incluida) con 8 onzas de agua o su receta fría o caliente favorita!

Real Stories. Real Results.

Super greens got me super charged!

Do not take this in the evening. I took it around 9pm and I was up to passed 3am. Best to take it in the mornings. It gives a slow release of consistent energy that keeps you going. The pre measured cup that comes inside perfect. No need to measure for the right dose.



Energy Game-Changer!!!

These greens are FANTASTIC! Not only do they taste delicious, but my energy levels have skyrocketed!!! I have spent years feeling tired and fatigued every day but I now have energy. These are the first supplements I've taken where I can feel a dramatic change. Worth every penny!



I've tried multiple green powder supplements in the past, but this one is my favorite based on ingredient profile and taste. Most green powders that I have tried in the past, the first section of the ingredients list is the greens products, like different grasses, green veggies, and stuff like that. So it was really nice to see that the first section of this product's ingredient list is their antioxidant products, like different fruits and non grass products.


First time c.

I'm one month in and my energy has drastically increased.

I am enjoying this product. I love the taste; it's subtle and has a hint of berry. I like to add collagen, turmeric, ginger, and maybe a half cup of spinach with a scoop of this. I noticed that I am waking up with lots of energy. This will also have you regular, if you know what I mean. Loving it so far!



Super greens got me super charged!

Do not take this in the evening. I took it around 9pm and I was up to passed 3am. Best to take it in the mornings. It gives a slow release of consistent energy that keeps you going. The pre measured cup that comes inside perfect. No need to measure for the right dose.



Energy Game-Changer!!!

These greens are FANTASTIC! Not only do they taste delicious, but my energy levels have skyrocketed!!! I have spent years feeling tired and fatigued every day but I now have energy. These are the first supplements I've taken where I can feel a dramatic change. Worth every penny!



I've tried multiple green powder supplements in the past, but this one is my favorite based on ingredient profile and taste. Most green powders that I have tried in the past, the first section of the ingredients list is the greens products, like different grasses, green veggies, and stuff like that. So it was really nice to see that the first section of this product's ingredient list is their antioxidant products, like different fruits and non grass products.


First time c.

I'm one month in and my energy has drastically increased.

I am enjoying this product. I love the taste; it's subtle and has a hint of berry. I like to add collagen, turmeric, ginger, and maybe a half cup of spinach with a scoop of this. I noticed that I am waking up with lots of energy. This will also have you regular, if you know what I mean. Loving it so far!



Super greens got me super charged!

Do not take this in the evening. I took it around 9pm and I was up to passed 3am. Best to take it in the mornings. It gives a slow release of consistent energy that keeps you going. The pre measured cup that comes inside perfect. No need to measure for the right dose.



Energy Game-Changer!!!

These greens are FANTASTIC! Not only do they taste delicious, but my energy levels have skyrocketed!!! I have spent years feeling tired and fatigued every day but I now have energy. These are the first supplements I've taken where I can feel a dramatic change. Worth every penny!



I've tried multiple green powder supplements in the past, but this one is my favorite based on ingredient profile and taste. Most green powders that I have tried in the past, the first section of the ingredients list is the greens products, like different grasses, green veggies, and stuff like that. So it was really nice to see that the first section of this product's ingredient list is their antioxidant products, like different fruits and non grass products.


First time c.

I'm one month in and my energy has drastically increased.

I am enjoying this product. I love the taste; it's subtle and has a hint of berry. I like to add collagen, turmeric, ginger, and maybe a half cup of spinach with a scoop of this. I noticed that I am waking up with lots of energy. This will also have you regular, if you know what I mean. Loving it so far!



Super greens got me super charged!

Do not take this in the evening. I took it around 9pm and I was up to passed 3am. Best to take it in the mornings. It gives a slow release of consistent energy that keeps you going. The pre measured cup that comes inside perfect. No need to measure for the right dose.



Energy Game-Changer!!!

These greens are FANTASTIC! Not only do they taste delicious, but my energy levels have skyrocketed!!! I have spent years feeling tired and fatigued every day but I now have energy. These are the first supplements I've taken where I can feel a dramatic change. Worth every penny!



I've tried multiple green powder supplements in the past, but this one is my favorite based on ingredient profile and taste. Most green powders that I have tried in the past, the first section of the ingredients list is the greens products, like different grasses, green veggies, and stuff like that. So it was really nice to see that the first section of this product's ingredient list is their antioxidant products, like different fruits and non grass products.


First time c.

I'm one month in and my energy has drastically increased.

I am enjoying this product. I love the taste; it's subtle and has a hint of berry. I like to add collagen, turmeric, ginger, and maybe a half cup of spinach with a scoop of this. I noticed that I am waking up with lots of energy. This will also have you regular, if you know what I mean. Loving it so far!



Rated 4.4 out of 5 stars
Based on 13 reviews
Total 5 star reviews: 5 Total 4 star reviews: 8 Total 3 star reviews: 0 Total 2 star reviews: 0 Total 1 star reviews: 0
13 reviews
  • MH
    Marcus H.
    Rated 4 out of 5 stars
    All of the above

    I feel very energized using this in the first week and am convinced this is a great product you should definitely try it!

  • FT
    First time c.
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    Awesome ingredients and tastes good!

    I've tried multiple green powder supplements in the past, but this one is my favorite based on ingredient profile and taste. Most green powders that I have tried in the past, the first section of the ingredients list is the greens products, like different grasses, green veggies, and stuff like that. So it was really nice to see that the first section of this product's ingredient list is their antioxidant products, like different fruits and non grass products. I think when you can find a greens powder like that, the quality is going to be better.

  • N
    Verified Reviewer
    Rated 4 out of 5 stars

    Was looking for a good brand for greens. Family member gave this brand as a recommendation. Taste is good. Easy to blend.

  • EW
    Erik W.
    Rated 4 out of 5 stars
    Refreshing great taste, feeling healthy

    Needed major energy boost this product exceeded my expectations.

  • DF
    D. F.
    Rated 4 out of 5 stars
    Thumbs up

    Been drinking for 3 weeks now tastes good considering what it is and seems to help with bowel movements being more regular also definitely a little more energy.

Estándares y pruebas de calidad líderes a nivel mundial pioneros

  • Probado por terceros

    Super Greens está probado en un laboratorio científico independiente para garantizar su calidad y eficacia.

  • Metales pesados ​​probados

    Sepa con absoluta confianza que todos los ingredientes han sido examinados para detectar metales pesados ​​utilizando métodos de prueba de clase mundial.

  • Elaborado con ingredientes totalmente naturales

    Elaborado con ingredientes totalmente naturales, garantizando la calidad en cada lote.

Preguntas frecuentes

¡Utilice los temas de preguntas frecuentes que aparecen a continuación para encontrar una respuesta! ¿Aún necesita ayuda? Envíenos un correo electrónico a :)

Contenido desplegable

¿Existen efectos secundarios?

Utilizamos ingredientes naturales respaldados por la ciencia que se han utilizado en prácticas ayurvédicas durante siglos.

El suplemento está elaborado con ingredientes naturales, por lo que los efectos secundarios son poco frecuentes. Sin embargo, si experimenta alguna molestia, reduzca la dosis.

¿Puedo tomar este suplemento con otros medicamentos?

Si bien nuestras hierbas y suplementos son generalmente seguros en muchos casos, es esencial consultar a su médico o farmacéutico antes de combinarlos con medicamentos recetados. La forma en que interactúan las sustancias puede depender de las condiciones de salud individuales, las dosis y los medicamentos específicos que esté tomando. Un proveedor de atención médica podrá brindarle asesoramiento personalizado según su situación específica.

¿Cómo tomo esto?

Simplemente mezcle una cucharada en su batido, jugo o agua para obtener un impulso delicioso y nutritivo.

¿Cuánto tiempo debo usar este suplemento para ver resultados?

Para obtener beneficios óptimos, recomendamos tomar este suplemento de manera constante durante al menos 3 meses.

¿Este producto es seguro para todos?

Si bien este producto es natural y seguro para la mayoría de las personas, las mujeres embarazadas o en período de lactancia, o las personas con alguna condición médica deben consultar con su médico antes de usarlo.

¿Este producto es vegano?

Sí, nuestro suplemento es 100% apto para veganos y no contiene ingredientes de origen animal.

Nuestras cápsulas son 100% veganas, sin gluten y sin OGM.

NO: Aceites de semillas, OGM, gelatina, alcohol o colorantes alimentarios.

¿Cuál es su política de devolución?

Compre con confianza: si siente que algo anda mal, simplemente envíenos un correo electrónico a

Tienes la garantía de satisfacción de 30 DÍAS. Ofrecemos crédito o cambio si no estás satisfecho con tu pedido.

¿De dónde provienen los ingredientes?

Todos nuestros ingredientes se elaboran en EE. UU. con ingredientes de origen mundial. Todos los suplementos se fabrican en nuestras instalaciones de Utah con certificación GMP, después de rigurosas inspecciones de calidad.